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What Should I Do Before, During and After an Earthquake?

Before An Earthquake:

 Ensure you have a fire extinguisher,first  aid kit, battery-powdered radio, flashlight and extra batteries at home. 

NB: We  have selected for you the best products , at the best prices with the best of quality. You  can buy this products om Amazon. 

Fire Extinguisher
First Aid kit
Battery Powerd Radio
  •  Familiarize yourself with how to shut off gas, watwer, and electricity.
  • Learn Fisrt Aid:
  • Establish Family meeting plan post earthquake.
  • Avoid leaving heavy objects on shelves.
  • Secure heavy appliances , furniture and cupboard to the wall or the floor.
  • Understand the earthquake procedures at your workplace or school.

During an Earthquake:

  •  Remain calm, Stay indoors if your are already inside , or outdoors if your already outdoors if your already outside.
  • Indoors, stand against a wall near the building’s center, in a doorway, or under sturdy furniture.

  • Avoid windows and exterior doors.

  • Outdoors, stay away from power lines and structures.

  • Do not use matches, candles, or flames due to potential gas line hazards.

  •  If in a car, stop and remain inside until the shaking stops.

  • Avoid using elevators.


After Earthquake:

  •   Check yourself and others for injuries; administer first aid as necessary.
  • Assess water, gas, and electric lines for damage; shut off valves if damaged.
  • If you detect gas, ventilate the area and evacuate, reporting the leak.
  • Turn on a radio for updates; reserve phone use for emergencies.
  • Avoid damaged buildings and areas with debris.
  • Wear protective footwear to prevent injuries from broken glass or debris.
  • Be cautious of collapsing chimneys.
  • Stay clear of beaches due to potential tsunamis or seiches.
  • Follow emergency plans or instructions from authorities at school or work.
  • Anticipate aftershocks.


To assemble your kit store items  in airtight  plastics bags and put your entire disaster supplies kit in one or two easy-to-carry containers such as plastics bins or a duffel bag.


A basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items:

water(one gallon per person per day, for drinking and sanitation)
Whistle (to signal for help)
Dust Mask (to help filter contaminate air)
WRENCH AND PLIERS( to cut off utilities)
Manual can opener (for food)

 NB: you get all these supplies on Amazon 


NB: Consider adding the following items to your to your individual needs

soap , hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes to disinfect surfaces.

Hand sanitizers
  • Prescription medications. About half of all Americans take a prescription medicine every day. An emergency can make it difficult for them to refill their prescription or to find an open pharmacy. Organize and protect your prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, and vitamins to prepare for an emergency.
  • Non-prescription medications such as pain relievers, anti-diarrhea medication, antacids or laxatives
  • Prescription eyeglasses and contact lens solution.
  • cash or travel checks.
  • Importanat Family Documents.
  • Pet food.
  • Cloths to change into.
Waterproof bag (to store important documents )
Infant Formula
Rash Cream
Sleeping bag
Matches in platic container

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